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Why I moved offices in 2016

By Suze Forster
27 January 2016 | 12 minute read
Suze Forster

In no other industry is job mobility more obligatory than in real estate during the Christmas/new year period.

Real estate is gruelling – rewarding, yes – but taxing. As another year ticks over and a new working year kicks off and cumulative fatigue sets in, it is often the time for reflection and the revising of goals and objectives often lost throughout the year.

Thinking of changing workplaces? Then think more broadly and consider the fresh opportunities that shifting to a new agency offers. It's not just about a new location, new boss, new clients, new colleagues.


I made this change myself just recently, but a kaleidoscope of reasons factored into my decision – few of which had anything to do with dissatisfaction in my previous workplace.

Don't make the mistake of running away from problems in your current workplace – chances are they are prevalent in every workplace. Instead make a measured, investigated, informed decision to move to something that will improve and enhance not just your professional, but personal life.

My reasons were this:

Management: I wanted to work for real estate professionals I respected and admired, whose guidance and mentorship I could reward with loyalty, contribution and productivity. Happy employees are highly effective people!

Location: Until recently I've been working outside of my own town – improving the economy and marketplace of a region I have no vested interest in. I wanted to put my time, effort, energy and money back into the town in which I've bought my house, I am raising my kids, and I am proud to call home. I wanted to make a positive contribution to the economy, employment and growth of this terrific town.

Balance: Spending almost two hours a day on the road just getting to and from work didn't leave much time to inject a little balance in my life. Since leaving my previous role, I now have the time to go for a 5km run every morning, tend the 20+ fruit trees in my long-neglected garden, and spend time reading a book in the evening after homework, dinner, dishes and school lunches have been taken care of. These are simple but life-altering, significant changes in my life.

Family: I now have the time to enjoy healthy, leisurely breakfasts with my kids before school, take them on expeditions into town (who knew we had so many art galleries, museums, cafes, heritage buildings and historical points of interest), enjoy riverside picnics, and walk my (pudgy) dogs.

So when considering making a shift in the new year to another agency, think beyond the confines of what your new employment opportunity offers (position, title, finance, advancement, etc) and ask yourself: will my life (outside work) also dramatically improve? Is this new role an opportunity to engage in improvement in all areas of my life? If no, you might be jumping out of the frying pan and into the fire. If yes, full speed ahead!

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Suze Forster

Suze Forster

Suze is currently a business development manager and senior property manager with LJ Hooker Queanbeyan. With 17 years' experience in real estate in the fields of marketing, finance, office management, property management, social media management and new business generation, Suze draws on the medley of her knowledge in these fields for the content of her articles. She credits the diversity of her experience for equipping her to establish client relationships grounded in honesty, transparency, accountability and integrity.

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