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Using isolation for personal and professional growth

By Tanja Lee
06 May 2020 | 6 minute read
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As we enter another month of COVID-19 restrictions, it’s no wonder business leaders are going a little “corona-loco”. Constantly feeling anxious and out of control can make way for poor judgement and a reduction in productivity, writes Tanja Lee.

As part of RateMyAgent’s new webinar series, Property Banter, I want to look at how we can elevate our state of mind to drive people and business success.

Here are my tips for utilising isolation for professional and personal growth.


1. Accept what’s out of your control

For most of us, solving a global pandemic isn’t something we can control, so we must evaluate what we can by looking at our “Circle of Influence”. The Circle of Influence encompasses those concerns we can do something about to proactively contribute to relationships and results.

By taking the initiative to remove what’s out of your control, you can focus on what is — and ways to develop further.

2. Raise your standards

Use this period to turn “should do” into “must do”. This can be as simple as getting up when your alarm goes off rather than pressing snooze, or finally taking a moment to think of strategic ways to grow meaningful relationships.

Successful business leaders also look at how they can be relational towards consumers rather than transactional. Consider your target audience’s current worries and find ways to address these issues on an ongoing basis, building trust and transparency within your community.

3. Simplify your strategies

Since the onset of COVID-19, I’ve seen a 30–40 per cent reduction in productivity across teams. As a leader, it’s imperative to nurture culture and display empathy towards employees.

Set clear daily KPIs to keep staff on track, while still celebrating both big and small wins. Studies regularly show that by creating a supportive and purposeful environment for employees, we can increase motivation and focus, leading to business success.

4. Elevate your state

Look inwards for the final stage of development — what impacts your physical, mental and emotional state?

On a physical level, ensure that a solid routine is in place that encourages sleep, healthy eating and regular exercise.

Mentally, we need to ensure that we remain educated on what the lockdown will mean for our industries, but it’s pivotal to not fixate on the negative and to be mindful on how much information we absorb. RateMyAgent’s Property Banter webinar is a great educational source that provides insights in a relaxed and solution-focused manner.

Finally, we need to look at our emotional state. It’s vital that we appreciate progress over perfection and not put too much pressure on ourselves. Having an attitude of gratitude will elevate our altitude.

Take time out to enjoy the little things, like a long walk or a great book. There is so much to be grateful for.

The world as we know it has changed dramatically. While it can be overwhelming — ultimately, this is the occasion to level up on self-transformation and focus on personal empowerment and effective communication with family, friends and teams.

By Tanja Lee, leading life coach, speaker, author, NLP practitioner and trainer

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