Director, Barry Plant Docklands VIC
“Barry plant is great when it comes to training. We’ve had David Knox and Tom Panos speak at our training days, and one of the key messages was about how to implement what they share. The best way is to isolate half a dozen things you want to implement, with around three or four really solid initiatives. To make sure they’re maintained comes down to revisiting the goal. I have a weekly meeting with our rental manager and sales manager and these ideas are part of the agenda. It helps me as a director become accountable to the team.”
Agent and auctioneer, Raine & Horne Mandurah WA
“Seeing as I’m 65, the main reason I attend conferences is to keep motivated and hopefully work longer. I go to keep up with trends, to see what’s changed and to hear what people are talking about. I’ve been in the industry for 30 years, so it’s all about honing my skills. When you go to a conference, not all the speakers will be applicable to you and I wouldn’t implement more than 10 or 12 things. First I give them a trial run for a certain period of time, and then I re-evaluate to see if it’s worth keeping them.”
Director and auctioneer, Allens Real Estate Melbourne VIC
“I’m not so much a fan of the content and the speakers as I am of the planning opportunity I get. You sit there and your brain goes on a tangent, so you write down 20 points. Then you have the mad rush on the plane home where you’re thinking ‘Now how am I going to structure this?’ – you can’t just throw all your ideas in at once and hope for the best. When you put something new in place, you can’t tell straight away if it works or not, so you need to review the changes you make frequently.”
Sales agent, McGrath Coogee NSW
“You need to differentiate between discipline and motivation because motivation is very easy. When you leave a conference you will be very motivated for the next 24 hours. You will have a hundred ideas that you want to try out, but discipline is what you’re doing on a daily and consistent basis. Motivation won’t carry those ideas through to implementation, but discipline will. To make yourself more disciplined you need to do the simple things really well – whether that’s sending out thank you cards or shaking people’s hands.“
Director Starr Partners Merrylands NSW
“What I normally do is write down any ideas we think are relevant and worth implementing while we’re at the conference. I then sit down after the conference and find two or three points straight away, which I call low-hanging fruit because they’re cheap or easy to implement with a great outcome. Often they are no cost as well. I have an office manager who helps not only in the admin role but supporting the staff. We’ll usually have a training session which helps the team learn what we’re doing and how. So there’s a lot of back-end work to keep it up and running.”