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Trickster tenants’ best excuses for late rent

By Elyse Perrau
12 February 2015 | 11 minute read

Last week, Residential Property Manager asked PMs to share the craziest explanations tenants had come up with to explain overdue rent. Here are some of the top eyebrow-raising excuses…

The old ‘shark bite’ excuse

Commenting on the RPM Facebook page, Chris West shared this extraordinary explanation he received from a late-paying tenant.

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We had a tenant that couldn't pay his rent because he was bitten by a shark. It actually turns out that it was legitimate as there is an online register of shark attacks and we confirmed his story was correct through our investigations. However, when he said ‘shark’ we thought Grey Nurse, Tiger Shark or Great White - he was bitten on the foot by a Wobbegong. Not really a valid excuse not to pay!quote marks

Lost payment

Pete Kambounias said this doozy, which was seconded by other commentators.

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'What about the two weeks' rent I paid at the start of the lease? Where's that gone?quote marks

Felice Cotroneo heard two crazy excuses that caused him grief.


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'I paid it! I left it in your letterbox as you were closed' - This actually did happen, I went to CTTT over it.quote marks

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I was on my way in to pay it and I got to the ATM to take it out and I was held up at the ATM...quote marks

‘Had to’ holiday

Also commenting on the RPM Facebook page, Danielle Coady received a very non-plausible reason for a rent default.

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'I had to go sailing’ - extra amusing because the tenant was a financial planner!quote marks

Rhiannon Hamilton shared one of her favourite excuses.

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Oh sorry, I went on holidays so I cancelled my rent payments.quote marks

Resurrected family member

Amanda Shirvington said a tenant once told her his mother had died and he couldn’t pay his rent as he had to pay for the funeral costs.

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He then did a runner and when I rang next of kin for his belongings his mother answered. I told her what he did and she answered, ‘Well he will be now’.quote marks

Vivien Winnett was privy to a tenant’s relative rising from the grave.

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[The excuse was a] death of a family member yet the same family member dies again for the next time they are late!quote marks

Too time-poor

Elaine Hilton commented this excuse, which was never going to stick.

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'I'm a very busy person. I work full time and don't get time.’ - Always makes me laugh as our tenants pay by BPay Online. Last time I checked this was available 24 hours a day.quote marks

Getting your priorities straight

Kylie Moss’ tenant highlighted a more important matter.

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My girlfriend needed a boob job in Thailand and took the money.quote marks

Cheyenne Delamere’s tenant had not budgeted appropriately to factor in a routine rental payment.

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We're building a house and I needed the money to pay for our new carpet.quote marks

To see the conversation, check out the Facebook post below.


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