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We all have access to the same ingredients

By Manos Findikakis
03 January 2024 | 12 minute read
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Put six agents in a room together and chances are you’ll get six different opinions on the best way to sell a property.

There might be different marketing strategies, different sales methods suggested, and different approaches to handling the vendor.

That’s the exciting thing about real estate; we all have access to the same ingredients, but each of us has the opportunity to bring our own finesse and personality to a role that involves helping people buy, sell or manage a property.


No right or wrong

Think of two chefs. Arm them with the same ingredients, and they will likely whip up very different but equally delectable meals.

In the process they’ll apply their own style, their unique expertise and their own understanding of what works and what doesn’t.

In real estate, it’s no different. We have access to the same options when it comes to sales methods, the same marketing tools, the same prospecting strategies, and the same 24 hours in a day.

But we have the opportunity to bring your own flair. Aside from the laws and ethical considerations that apply, the reality is there is no right or wrong way to sell a property.

You can play to your strengths

Often when we start out in real estate, there’s a tendency to emulate others. We attend conferences, look to the top performers, and seek clues in their success.

There’s nothing wrong with that. In fact, it’s a great way to acquire skills and experience by following a tried and tested recipe.

But along the way, ideally we’re developing our own skills, based on our own personal experience and our growing level of expertise. We’re trialling, testing, adopting, and picking the best bits that work for us.

While we all have the same tools and ingredients, somewhere in the course of our careers we start to become aware of our personal strengths and what works specifically for us when it comes to managing people, and property.

And that’s where this is a career that gets really exciting. Ultimately, those strengths, that experience, and our learned skills will become our unique point of difference.

They will be the factors that separate us from the crowd and will become the things we’re known for.

You can make it your way

There’s an agent for every vendor, and a vendor for every agent. What works for the top performer next to you may not be your preferred way of operating or your desired outcome.

And that’s more than OK. If we all act in the same way with the same inevitable outcome, that doesn’t give our clients much to choose from.

So why not do it your way? Why not embrace the learned experiences you have and the skills you’ve built and get cooking. Bring your own finesse, your own flair, and your own unique personality.

Tap into your experience, find new things to add to your skill set, take inspiration from other great chefs in the room, but put it all together in a way that works for you.

That’s the beauty of our industry. We can make it our way.

We all have access to the same ingredients, but it’s how we put those ingredients together that makes all the difference.

Manos Findikakis is the CEO of Agents’Agency

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