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Face your fears, head-on

By Manos Findikakis
17 January 2024 | 12 minute read
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As we start the new year, chances are you have your goals all mapped out for the period ahead.

Perhaps you’re looking to increase your prospecting. Maybe you’re seeking to boost your appraisal numbers, or increase their conversion to listings, and ultimately improve your gross commission income.

But as we regain our working momentum and the festivities of the recent break start to feel like a distant memory, there’s one important element you might be overlooking.


While goals and KPIs might increase your productivity, have you also considered the thoughts and habits that are holding you back?

After all, over the next few weeks familiar routines will manifest into familiar habits and some of them may not be so beneficial.

Negative habits are rooted in fear

Look a little deeper and negative habits tend to be underpinned by fears. Some of these fears you might have already identified but perhaps there are also others you’re not even aware of.

These fears manifest as thoughts, feelings and activities (or avoidance of activities) that could make a very real difference to your results this year and beyond.

Fears come in all shapes and sizes

Our fears come in all shapes and sizes. There’s obvious ones like public speaking, fear of failure and fear of rejection.

In real estate these might reveal themselves in different ways. It might be that your fear of rejection sees you avoid or delay making those all-important prospecting calls.

Or perhaps they see you avoid having critical conversations with vendors to attain price alignment between their expectation and the market reality.

A lot of those fears come down to the fact we don’t have the confidence to tackle them. As a result, we avoid situations that elicit these fears and don’t gain the experience of overcoming them and the cycle continues.

Ultimately because we do nothing about them, they sit there, quietly impacting our productivity and our potential.

Feel the fear and do it anyway

Conquering fears is about ensuring we become great at what we do, and the only way to get great at something is by feeling the fear and doing it anyway.

It’s about moving forward, experiencing that feeling of inadequacy because something is outside our skill set or beyond our comfort zone, practising that activity, accepting failure if it occurs and learning from that experience.

Facing that fear is about accepting you may not get it right, but pushing through regardless.

What’s holding you back?

So as the year begins in earnest, I urge you to face your fears head on, and not focus so intently on your dreams and goals.

Whilst our vision boards are meant to motivate us, your first breakthroughs for the year will likely come from facing, attacking and conquering the things that hold you back.

These are the things that we know we must do to keep moving forward, but make us uncomfortable and stop us in our tracks.

Identify that fear, make a non-negotiable time to do that activity, feel the fear, and do it anyway.

When we gain confidence in ourselves to tackle our fears head on, our dreams and goals become elementary.

They will happen because we have built the necessary mindset and the necessary conviction to identify our fears, acknowledge them, and just get on with the doing.

After all, the reward of achievement is rarely the prize at the end of the journey. Instead, it’s the strength of character we gain having battled our fears to get there in the first place.

Manos Findikakis is the CEO of Agents’Agency.

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