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7 tips for embracing the superpower of self-discipline

By Manos Findikakis
23 January 2024 | 11 minute read
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In real estate, embracing and maintaining self-discipline is arguably the key mindset that will make or break your career.

It will allow you to set, then work towards, a goal, despite the many distractions or temptations that arise which have the potential to steer you off course.

If there’s one favourite quote I often refer to, it’s the following: “Self-discipline is the most important and yet the most often elusive tool for achieving your goals and making progress in life.”

As we start the new calendar year, self-discipline is the primary attribute that will allow you to play a bigger game and level up over the 12 months ahead. But, like any skill, building it can be easier said than done.

The benefits of a disciplined approach

Make no mistake, real estate is an industry with its fair share of distractions.

After all, there are few other careers where you are the complete master of your time, with almost total freedom to decide what activities you’ll undertake when.

Self-discipline includes the ability to:

  • Stick to a schedule or plan.
  • Overcome procrastination.
  • Stay focused on the task at hand.
  • Make better decisions.
  • Avoid impulsive behaviour.
  • Achieve long-term goals.
  • Improve overall productivity.
  • Increase self-esteem and self-worth.

Consistent effort over time

The benefits of a self-disciplined approach might seem fairly obvious, but that doesn’t mean embracing it comes easily.

We all have days where motivation lags and the lure of doing anything but the tasks you should be focused on is almost irresistible.

It begs the question, how can you build self-discipline, but perhaps more importantly, how do you maintain that committed approach?

Tip 1 – Set clear goals

Having a clear idea of what you want to achieve can help you stay motivated and on track. Ensure your goals are clear, specific and attainable.

Tip 2 – Know your why

Staying motivated starts by understanding exactly why you want to achieve a specific goal or plan.

Get crystal clear on how that goal will benefit you, and why it’s important as part of the bigger picture of being in real estate.

In other words, “know your why”, including why you’re in this industry in the first place, what you want it to deliver for you, and how this goal contributes to your career plan.

Tip 3 – Break it down

Break down your long-term goals into smaller, more manageable tasks. This can help you feel a sense of progress and accomplishment along the way.

Tip 4 – Create a schedule

Plan out your day or week in advance, and stick to it as much as possible. This can help you stay focused and avoid procrastination.

Remember, each day starts yesterday with a written action list.

Tip 5 – Eliminate distractions

Identify the things that distract you and find ways to minimise or eliminate them.

You will be amazed at what you can do with laser focus and by instinctively avoiding distractions.

Tip 6 - Reward yourself

Give yourself a small reward for reaching milestones or completing tasks.

This can help you stay motivated and build momentum.

Tip 7 - Stay flexible

As important as it is to stick to a plan, allow yourself to adapt and adjust even when you get off track.

Remember getting off track should not be a reason to stop you.

It’s a process

It’s worth keeping in mind that building self-discipline is a process. Some days it will come easily and you’ll have it in spades. Other days, that motivation and drive are a little less forthcoming.

The reality is, building the superpower of self-discipline takes time and effort.

But with patience, perseverance and consistency, you can develop the self-discipline you need to achieve your goals.

If you do, I guarantee it will be something your future self will thank you for.

Manos Findikakis is the CEO of Agents'Agency.

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