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Top agency brings sales, PM teams together

By James Mitchell
03 March 2014 | 11 minute read

McGrath Estate Agents is bucking the trend of segregated sales and property management teams by fully integrating all staff under one roof.

Speaking to Residential Property Manager, McGrath Estate Agents director of sales Matt Lahood said all staff sit together as one team.

“The new business people that look after new clients actually sit with the salespeople,” Mr Lahood said.


“I was very particular when we started property management some years back that they must be integrated,” he said.

“It’s one team; it’s not property management and sales.”

When the business puts on ‘sales races’, property managers are included, Mr Lahood said.

Likewise, when a property management race is underway, the sales team is included.

“I know it has been a culture in the industry, but I feel that the closer we all are and the more connected, the better we are for our clients,” he said.

“We go out there to see the same clients, so it’s important we’re all singing from the same hymn book.”

This type of approach has also been lauded by BDM coach Deniz Yusuf, who earlier this year suggested both teams should work hand in hand for the benefit of their clients.

Speaking with Residential Property Manager in January, Mr Yusuf said the sales and property management divisions are only hurting themselves by remaining separate.

“As a trainer and consultant, I don’t believe they are working as well as they should be. I find the better the relationship, the better it is for both departments,” he said.

The award-winning ex-BDM claimed that too many sales agents are ruining relationships with investors through their lack of understanding of the rental market.

“If the salesperson is going into a property purely sales focused without any knowledge in the area of property management, then they’re not giving the 100 per cent service they could be providing," he said.

“I would encourage bringing a property manager along to listing presentations with investors so they would be giving advice from both sides of the spectrum.”


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