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Q&A: Katie Hatch, Harcourts North Lakes

By Jay Garcia
14 July 2015 | 11 minute read

Katie Hatch has been in real estate all her working life, but could have wound up in agribusiness if things had gone differently.

When did you join the PM industry?

In 1999 I started as a receptionist, then quickly moved into being a property manager. I was a property manager up until I became a BDM nearly four years ago at the end of this year.


Why did you join it?

I really fell into the industry, I had no plans to be in real estate – I love it that I am still here.

What area of PM needs more training focused on it, and why?

Communication – ways to communicate effectively with clients, being able to adapt to clients’ needs/demands. I find that these days property managers or people in general within our industry tend to hide behind emails – pick up the phone and don’t be afraid to speak to clients. This builds strength and trust in relationships, which in turn makes your job easier for future.

How do you deal with disgruntled and aggressive tenants?

Stay calm, stick to the facts and be firm. In the past I have refused to deal with clients who are aggressive, abusive and will simply not listen.

What would you be doing if you weren’t in the PM industry?

I would have done something in agriculture.


What do you enjoy most about your job?

No day is really ever the same, I love the flexibility of not being stuck to sitting at a desk all day. We get to deal with some amazing people and also look inside some pretty cool houses.

What are the most stressful aspects of your job?

Owners whose expectations are unrealistic, tenants who move out of their properties and fail to fulfil the requirements on cleaning, carpet cleaning, repairs etc. No one wants to tell an owner that the way they have left the property is not clean enough or up to our standard.

How do you relax after a stressful day at work?

Definitely with a nice dinner with my family and a glass of wine.

How would you describe a perfect property management day?

No arrears, no maintenance, no complaining – smooth sailing, happy landlords and happy tenants.


Do you have an industry update?