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Q&A: Kelly Parr, Coronis Mooloolaba

By Staff Reporter
21 July 2015 | 12 minute read
Kelly Parr cropped

While Kelly Parr's passion for building and maintaining relationships is one of her greatest assets, she recognises the importance of clearing her head and being alone, often by running along the beach with her dog. 

When did you join the PM industry?

I started in the real estate industry in 2003 and have been doing property management in some capacity for 11 years.


What were you doing before PM?

I studied at university and was completing a business and marketing degree

What area of PM needs more training focused on it and why?

It is important for property managers to understand there will come a time in your career when you will be presented with a situation that makes you uncomfortable, or a person or people may be threatening in some way. I believe everyone needs to be more aware and understand how to handle these situations, as these stories are becoming more common within this industry.

What skills does a PM/BDM need to be successful?

They need to have a high level of communication and the skill to assess situations, troubleshoot problems and find solutions that will benefit all parties concerned.

Where do you believe PMs responsibilities should start and end?

Being a property manager is a great privilege as our clients have chosen us to look after one of their most valuable possessions, so therefore I don’t really think our job or responsibility does end. In saying this, there are some issues or circumstances that will be out of our control, but if your clients are educated properly from day one then they will understand this. My work ethic has always been to go above and beyond for all clients, as the service levels people expect these days are of such a high standard.   

How do you deal with disgruntled and aggressive tenants?

You learn there are many different roles you will play in this position and working out how to deal with each individual and their personal circumstances will go a long way to securing their trust in you – which in turn will make problem-solving and sorting out issues a lot easier, as you will work together and not against each other.

What are the most stressful aspects of your job?

It took me a long time to understand and accept that you will never make everyone happy. No matter what situations arise you must handle them with professionalism and back yourself 110 per cent. There is no room for doubt in your ability as this is when errors can occur.

How do you relax after a stressful day at work?

My favourite thing to do after a stressful day is to go for a run with my Labrador dog, Roy. It is even better that I am lucky enough to do this on the beach. Even if it is only an hour or so, it is the one time in my day where I can clear my mind and be by myself.

How would you describe a perfect property management day?

A perfect day would be securing new business and building relationships with new clients, positive feedback from current clients, no cranky tenants and minimal maintenance requests.

Do you have an industry update?