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Q&A: Jeffrey Lu, Infinity Property Agents

By Staff Reporter
29 September 2015 | 12 minute read
Jeffrey Lu cropped

Jeffrey Lu loves working in property management – but when the stress piles up, he can be found playing basketball or video games.

When did you first join the PM industry?

I joined the PM industry in October 2014 as a property leasing officer and it's already been a year. I'm still considered a newbie, but I have learned so much and continue to do so every day.


Why did you join the PM industry?

I was never good at studying so instead of forcing myself to finish uni and do something I didn't enjoy, I decided to enter the real estate industry. Hands down, it's one of the best life decisions I have made.

What were you doing before PM?

I was working at Jay Jays as a sales assistant during my uni days for four years, where I honed my customer service skills, which has been an enormous asset during my role as a property manager. Communicating with landlords and tenants is much more challenging than helping a customer pick out the perfect outfit for a Saturday night, that’s for sure.

What would you like your next career step to be?

To continue to learn and experience all the different branches of the real estate industry so I can specialise in a particular area.

What piece of technology do you find the most useful for your business and why?

My iPhone and iPad are my weapons of choice. They are crucial parts of my job, from organising open house inspections with prospective tenants, reminders, appointments, emails and calls, you name it. I don’t know what I’d do without them!

What skills does a PM/BDM need to be successful?

A lot of patience and honesty. Being a property manager, there a times when we have continue to follow up on certain issues, mostly strata related, where we have to continually chase for an update or risk not hearing back from them for months. Most property managers shy away from informing their landlords of bad news, but to be a good property manager we need to disclose everything and be blunt at times. No one likes bad news, but this is the best way to work towards resolving the issue.

Where do you believe PM’s responsibilities should start and end?

From tenant signups to final inspection.

How do you deal with disgruntled and aggressive tenants?

I try my best to listen and understand the situation from their point of view, but if they are too aggressive or rude I will tell them to call back when they decide to be civilised and hang up.

What would you be doing if you weren’t in the PM industry?

Carry on the family business and be a chef, I mean, who doesn't love food?

What do you enjoy most about your job?

I really love helping people find a place they can call home. It feels great when the tenants truly love the property and enjoy living there for a long time.

What are the most stressful aspects of your job?

Unreasonable requests from tenants and asking tight owners for repairs/maintenance.

How do you relax after a stressful day at work?

Spending time with family and friends helps, but for me, playing basketball and video games really alleviates all the pent up stress.

How would you describe a perfect property management day?

A perfect day would be no repairs to follow up, no arrears and leasing out four properties to good tenants!

Do you have an industry update?