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Agencies improve marketing with quick, simple changes

By Jay Garcia
26 February 2016 | 12 minute read

In order to raise the standard of advertising material and property listings, agencies are turning to copywriting courses and video marketing.

Melanie Matchett, from LJ Hooker Sarina, said the agency introduced a copywriting course for all staff in May last year to help reduce vacancies and improve the agency’s marketing material.

“We all have the generalised training in copywriting, so if at any point in time I happen to go away, one of the other property managers can step in,” she said.


The copywriting course cost $25 last year and was done through online learning marketplace Udemy.com

“We got about two weeks or so to do it and it took about an hour and a half altogether,” Ms Matchett said.

“There are heaps of videos on there for all the different sections of copywriting and you can revisit it any time you want.”

Ms Matchett said the agency began rewriting all its marketing material after the copywriting course, which resulted in vacancy rates decreasing significantly.

“We were sitting at around 15 per cent and now we're below the area average at 8 per cent,” she said.

“Our sales team has changed a lot of their advertising as well and we're trying to also focus on video marketing with the copywriting course and the help of our BDM coach.”

Danielle Coady, Element Property Services principal, said marketing skills haven’t always been a key focus of property managers, but it is an important element of an agency’s branding.

“When a property manager is flat-out running a portfolio, for them to be able to write fantastic ads, is unlikely to be on the top of their priority list because they've just got so much to do,” she said.

“I think people have realised over time that the marketing of properties is quite important and it's a reflection of the quality of the agency, so I think people are investing in it a bit more to make things look good in their marketing.”

Ms Coady said property managers should try to keep marketing material, particularly listings, as simple as possible.

“When I write ads, I have a format that I use and I keep it simple because, when people are looking at renting, they're looking at a lot of properties and they just want to see the facts,” she said.

Ms Coady said property managers should remember to get colleagues to proofread advertisements before they are published.

“I would also suggest showing staff examples of good and bad marketing or listings so they've got more of an indication of what category their own work fits into.”



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