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The Agency takes charge of superannuation investment

By Eliot Hastie
10 August 2018 | 11 minute read
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The Agency’s property management team has been appointed by Superestate to take care of their first investment property in Sydney.

Superestate, the first non-SMSF to invest in residential property, is proving to be an attractive proposition for many Aussies and has now partnered with The Agency to continue growth.

Founder of Superestate and ex-Olympian Grant Brits said the plan for Superestate was to expand across Australia to the benefit of its members.


“Our investment philosophy is to build a diversified portfolio of high-quality Australian residential property for the long-term benefits of members,” he said.

“This diversification is very important as it gives our members exposure to a broad range of markets and properties.”

Mr Brits said that their expansion was similar to The Agency’s, which is what made them seek out The Agency to manage their first investment property.

“Working with a business that is also going through an expansion phase will hopefully allow both businesses to grow together,” he said.

Mr Brits said The Agency’s work ethic and strength was what ultimately led them to partnering together on the property in Stanmore.

“The Agency stood out for their professionalism, understanding of our business and their willingness to work with us to optimise results for our members,” he said.

The Agency’s national director of property management, Maria Carlino, said she was excited to offer a superannuation vertical to The Agency’s one-stop solution.

“The Agency has been called disruptive within the real estate industry and our growth in the past 18 months has gained traction quickly. Likewise, Superestate offers an exciting new concept within the superannuation space, which happens to be residential real estate,” she said.

Ms Carlino said Superestate's investment plan provides dual income streams from positive rental yields and long-term equity growth, but The Agency was also attracted by the long-term leases on offer.

“Superestate will be providing for the community, as tenants will know they are ‘safe’ and can make their rental home a real, long-term home,” she said.

“Perfect for the investor building a portfolio who wishes to have greater tax benefits by leasing their residential home out.”

Mr Brits said long-term leases showed to their members and community that they had a mindset of corporate social responsibility that would ultimately benefit everyone.

“At the end of the day, we want our tenants to look after our properties, so we want to maintain really positive relationships with them,” he said.

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