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Proply expands its digital sales innovation into PM sector

By Staff Reporter
11 September 2018 | 11 minute read
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Digital proposal platform Proply has released a new property management feature, which promises to allow PMs and BDMs to save time and win more rental listings.

Founder and CEO of Proply Geoff Lewis said that property managers and BDMs have long been waiting for an innovative software solution that caters to their specific needs.

“Property management is often neglected when it comes to new technology,” the CEO said.


“We’ve listened to our clients, built and delivered this functionality for them. Our deep Pricefinder integration returns rental listings and allows users to add them to proposals with just a click.”

Mr Lewis said that this is a true SaaS product, with no minimum contract terms and a fully featured free trial.

He said that customer feedback is at the core of Proply’s approach to technology.

“We love to build products that people actually want to use,” Mr Lewis said. 

“Landlords can view their proposals at any time, on any device and easily accept or request a callback with just a click. And property managers can track landlord engagement with real-time notifications each time a proposal is opened.”

Mr Lewis said that Proply was the first SaaS-based cloud proposal system when it was originally launched.

“In similar fashion, this property management functionality is also a first, bringing true, cloud-based digital proposals to the property management sector.”

Mr Lewis also said that thousands of proposals have been sent through Proply, with “overwhelmingly” positive feedback.

“Agents love the efficiency and competitive advantage it brings, and their clients love the beautiful, engaging digital format of proposals.

“The property management functionality went live last week and has already received excellent feedback from both existing Proply users and new customers that were waiting for this functionality to be released.”

Mr Lewis said that agencies that have both sales and rental departments are able to use the platform for both disciplines with no additional cost.

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