Barry Plant Dandenong has been going “above and beyond” for its tenants and property owners, helping to make their homes more cost-effective and energy-efficient.
Director and property manager at Barry Plant Dandenong Colin Kitney has been working with energy assessment firm U-pocket to help owners solve property dollar efficiency problems.
Mr Kitney said U-pocket recently won tenders with the Victorian government to complete scorecard assessments for vulnerable households in the City of Dandenong and Victoria.
“Through these scorecard assessments, the property owners receive an energy scorecard on a rating scale out of 10, upgrade advice and a subsidy,” he added.
“[We were] able to sign up many willing property owners who enjoyed a combined $68,600 worth of household upgrades which included heating and cooling units, lighting and the removal of old gas heaters.”
Mr Kitney said both landlords and tenants are better off.
“The reason we got involved with U-pocket and these assessments was that there was a definite benefit to our landlords in regard to cost and making their properties more energy-efficient,” the director said.
“But there was another benefit to the tenants in regard to the cost of their bills, in a time where many are finding it hard. Their day-to-day living is also vastly improved with these modern upgrades.”
U-pocket’s Belinda Baker said Mr Kitney’s work is paying dividends for his clients.
“We spoke to many property managers in the Dandenong area and almost all replied with ‘not interested’,” she said.
“Colin, to the contrary, grabbed hold of the opportunity and contacted landlords immediately after our meeting to go through the details of these assessments.”