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Greenhouse Property debuts hands-off rent roll management

By Juliet Helmke
17 August 2022 | 12 minute read
candice gillies greenhouse property reb ydat03

A new entrant into the property management sector touts the ability to take all the work out of running a rent roll.

Greenhouse Property aims to enable real estate professionals to develop a property management service with minimal involvement in its many administrative tasks. At the same time, they leave one of the most integral parts of the rent roll in the hands of the business owner: retention of the growing asset.

Founder Candice Gillies explained that the company was looking to give agents “the unique ability to build a rent roll which is fully managed by someone else”.


“This is a big deal because one of the greatest hassles for high-performing sales agents is the time, cost and specialist knowledge required to run a high performing rent roll. Yet property management is a critical component in providing regular cash flow and the ability to grow equity and create a saleable asset,” she said.

The model doesn’t involve lock-in contracts or monthly fees, rather agents pay a percentage of their commission on the successful settlement of a property. The fees are set based on a sliding scale.

Ms Gillies acknowledged that a sales transaction offering wasn’t new to the sector, but argued that their stripped-back, low-commission version added an additional facet to the marketplace.

And she noted that the development of the product had been an exciting project for the firm.

“Working with a team of motivated and experienced agents to drill down on the fundamental recurring issues and then create a solution has been one of the most enthralling projects I have ever been a part of,” she said.

The company is hoping that now, having launched into the marketplace, they will soon be able to see agents reaping the rewards of what they set out to provide: the ability for property professionals to grow their business, their rent roll, and their freedom.

“I’m champing at the bit to start working with agents who seek the freedom to march to the beat of their own drum, whilst they build an asset for their future,” Ms Gillies said.




Juliet Helmke

Based in Sydney, Juliet Helmke has a broad range of reporting and editorial experience across the areas of business, technology, entertainment and the arts. She was formerly Senior Editor at The New York Observer.

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