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The future of our digital data

By John Prendergast
09 February 2016 | 6 minute read
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In this modern day and age, with more of our devices connected to the internet, it is becoming increasingly difficult to monitor where our data goes and who owns it.

The concept of “The API (application programming interface) of Me” is still a new and unfamiliar term for most, but one business has centralised its business operations around this very idea. I recently sat down with Katryna Dow, CEO of Australia-based personal data platform company Meeco, to discuss the future of digital data.

The term “digital disruption” has been a buzz phrase thrown around numerous industries, including the real estate sector, of late. When discussing this topic with Katryna, she emphasised the importance of adaption within all industries. Businesses we have seen success in recent times have all thrived on the ability to adapt to new circumstances.


“We are moving towards this ability to offer a product or service, without actually offering a product or service,” Katryna explains.

“When you think about Uber, they don’t own cars; when you think about Airbnb, they don’t own properties. This framework provides an opportunity for businesses to build this layer, either above, adjacent or around a core infrastructure.”

More businesses utilising this framework are surfacing, and there has been speculation something similar will target the real estate industry. Katryna and I both believe this new business model gives the power back to the user or individual, and this is at the heart of the technological disruption we are currently seeing.

When I asked Katryna what “The API of Me” means to her, she states, “One of the amazing things about technology, which we are starting to see at an individual, family and community level, is that technology allows us to be equal with systems. So when I think of ‘The API of Me’, it is us being directly part of that value chain. It is about us regaining control of our data and feeling empowered, and it puts us in the conversation directly with businesses”.

With so many platforms, devices and businesses capturing and generating data on us, the issue of “who owns what” is only going to increase.

“What advantage does this provide the end user by using systems or platforms that allow us to regain control of our data?” I asked Katryna.

“The more that we can pull this information into ourselves, the faster we can make decisions and the more informed we are,” she replied.

Our digital footprints will continue to expand as our reliance on technology increases. So how do you plan to monitor your digital footprint?


John Prendergast

John Prendergast

John Prendergast is the commercial director at property software firm Rockend. He has significant experience in start-ups, technology and logistics.

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