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Treat AI as your personal mentor

By Orana Durney-Benson
15 March 2024 | 12 minute read
seth watts campaignagent hhaohy

Not a tech whizz? Here are an expert’s top tips for getting the most out of ChatGPT.

In a recent episode of Proptech Pulse, CampaignAgent co-founder Seth Watts made it his mission to break down real estate agents’ misconceptions about artificial intelligence (AI).

Traditionally, many people have assumed that new and emerging technologies are best suited to personality types who are mathematical and thrive on structure. But according to Watts, generative AI is a perfect fit for a very different skill set: that of a salesperson.


“We’re talkers, we’re charismatic, we’re great with people. When we look at AI, it rewards you for being a great communicator,” said Watts.

“AI is the first technology which is designed for storytellers,” he said. “It’s like it was designed for us in real estate.”

For those who feel intimidated by chatbots like ChatGPT, Watts had some simple but effective tips.

First, he advised that “when you’ve got butterflies in your stomach” because you need to write a complex emotional email to a client, this is “a good time to ask for help”.

Instead of crafting the email from scratch, Watts recommended dropping the enquiry into ChatGPT and “watching it put out a three- or four-paragraph, beautifully crafted email that you just know is going to hit the buyer between the eyes and think, ‘Wow, this agent’s special’.”

In particular, Watts recommended asking for an “empathetic response” when prompting AI.

“That word ‘empathetic,’ it really triggers ChatGPT to help you give something that you can send almost right away to the vendor or buyer,” he said.

“Ask them to write an empathetic response, explain the problem, share your concerns – ‘I’m really worried that the vendor is going to lose faith in me if I don’t do this right’ – and treat it like a mentor, almost,” said Watts. “You can gush all of your concerns out into AI and it will really help you.”

The executive’s second piece of advice was to use ChatGPT to kickstart overwhelming writing tasks.

“When you’re having to start with a blank sheet of paper, or a blank word document, or a blank email, and you’re sitting there twiddling your thumbs, going, ‘I actually don’t know where to start’ […] Stop, go to ChatGPT, get it to start, copy and paste it into Word, and then edit it.”

For small businesses, Watts advised starting out small. With just one tech-savvy team member and one supportive leader, a business can start up a focus group for incorporating AI into daily tasks.

“My advice is: invest a small amount of money, empower people with different strengths, and challenge them to come up with one thing a week that this can help with.”

“I think you’ll find there’s real magic there,” Watts concluded.

Listen to the full conversation here.

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