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A Ram can build your rent roll

By Deniz Yusuf
29 October 2014 | 11 minute read
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A couple of weeks ago I was travelling to the airport to do some consulting and I actually heard a radio advertisement. Yes, go figure. Now I’m not one for listening to ads, but as I wasn’t driving - I was at the mercy of the person behind the wheel.

But I was very happy to hear the advertisement because it was now going to help me with all the listing agents that I’m coaching, as well as my next topic for a blog.

Rams Home Loans are currently doing a clean sweep of marketing aimed at investors.


So a couple of points that budding BDMs need to look out for with this:

1. Realestate.com.au made a comment a few weeks ago that 70 per cent of the purchasers on the eastern side of Australia are investors

2. Budding BDMs should be hearing this like music to their ears

3. Obviously Rams has recognised that this article and other reports via media are all saying the same thing, even the recent sale of The Block (reality show in case you don’t know) was mentioning investors

4. Have you got a relationship with any Rams agents? As they are pushing an investor pack to their potential client, is your office name in this pack? Have you contacted Rams to ask them, or offer them some help?

But how can you help? If you haven’t, or don’t know what to offer them to help, maybe speak with your principal or trainer and put together a plan or strategy of how you can get involved or gain referrals from them. Now this is getting some leads ahead of the sales agents in the office, catching leads before the investor has even put an enquiry on a property for sale.

Be proactive, contact a Ram and get leads coming to you, rather than reacting to the phone or sales agents. 

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